Digital sustainability harnesses the tools of digital transformation to improve the environment and support sustainable business operations. Bettina Tratz-Ryan Why did I choose this subject? Knowledge about the impact of
Hier plaats ik projecten die net wat meer lagen hebben als anderen.
Hier vind je al mijn projecten, initiatieven en ander werk wat ik gedaan heb!
Digital sustainability harnesses the tools of digital transformation to improve the environment and support sustainable business operations. Bettina Tratz-Ryan Why did I choose this subject? Knowledge about the impact of
Minor European Project Semester Energy for Rural Zambia MINOR: Eurooppalainen ohjausjakso (EPS) “MINOR: European Project Semester (EPS)” – Finnish Gain international experience in a multidiciplinair and multicultural project for one
This project explores the boundaries of the Metaverse and why it is the endless world of nothingness. Why this futuristic project should be part of our everyday life.
This project explores the boundaries of the Metaverse and why it is the endless world of nothingness. Why this futuristic project should be part of our everyday life.
In this school assignment, we had to create a generative identity for the Tramkade. A generative identity is a style that changes on certain inputs. The Tramkade is a catering
PLANDO In this school project, we had to create an animation for a problem which we could choose. You can’t find your gate… Are you going to make it on
This school assignment consisted of 2 posters about your hometown.There had to be an underlying thought that you could come up with yourself. My concept arose after I went cycling
During my internship at a documentary company, I learned a lot about documentary making and filming techniques! In this blog you will see the projects I made.
As the creative academy at Avans, we get the opportunity to work for Avans while studying. In total I created 6 videos for Avans.
Sitest webdesign is a discontinued company which made custom websites using a template. Due to the templates, sites are a lot cheaper.
Hier vind je al mijn projecten, initiatieven en ander werk wat ik gedaan heb!